Friday, March 14, 2014

Parenting & Children

Giving Worry Wart A Whole New Meaning

One day while dressing my son I noticed a patch of bumps all on his stomach, obviously I freaked out . . . I automatically thought "he must have some type a rash". So for the next few weeks I put a crap load of stuff on him, ranging from Neosporin, Tea Tree Oil, to Steroid cream (for his eczema) & nothing seemed to work. The bumps were not fading or shrinking at all in fact it seemed like there were more.

He told me they (the bumps) weren't painful but he was very self conscious about them. We took him to the doctor to see what the heck was going on & the doctor told us it was Molluscum Contagiosum A.K.A. Warts.

I thought it was so gross at first but the doctor said they were completely normal / common for children to get & that there is no treatment for them. I had never heard of this virus before & it worried me that they were contagious but the doctor assured me that it was all good & the warts will go away on their own once the body is able to build up enough immunity to fight off the virus (usually takes about 6-18 months, some cases can take longer). Once the warts start to look like they are getting infected it's actually a sign on the body finally fighting it off.

 It has now been 7 months & some of the warts have finally vanished. So just remember . . .

Don't be a worry wart,

 Everything will be okay

Leave a comment below & let me know if this was helpful for you or if you've had a little one who has had warts before.

1 comment:

  1. they have said yes and, sometimes, they have said not to post. I’m really talking about their lives and not mine so I respect that. I have my own accomplishments that I can post if I so choose. learn more
