Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cleaning & Organizing

Repurpose Candle Containers

I have a serious love for candles, especially Bath & Body Works candles, my ultimate fav is Mahogany Teakwood. But I hate how I feel after I finish burning one because I feel like I am being so wasteful just throwing away the glass. But how am I suppose to get the last layer of wax out of the bottom? It's extremely simple . . .

First I set a small pot of water on the stove to boil, once the bubbles start to roll I turn the fire off.

Pour that hot water in the candle container. This is going to soften up the wax that was leftover. Just let it sit for a minute to work its magic.
Take a butter knife & scrap around the edges, this is going to loosen up the block of wax so it will separate from the glass.

If the wax doesn't just pop up then run your butter knife along the bottom of the glass to help it out. Be careful where the wick is because they are connected to the glass by a piece of metal & tacky glue. They will need a little extra attention to take off, but never the less once you get your butter knife in the right place they will just pop right off.

After you drain your waxy water & dump your wax blocks in the trash you can give it a nice hot wash, with some soap & water. There is always a sticker on the bottom of candles along with one on the front, the one on the bottom can be washed off with a sponge & hot water, & the one on the front can be easily peeled off, 
Ta Da Its all clean . . . Now the options are endless, you can use it for anything. How will you use yours?

I made mine useful. They are sitting in the bathroom holding q-tips & cotton balls.

So instead of throwing them away here's a way to repurpose those candle containers.

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